(347) 379-4018

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Desert Dunes Wall Print Set

In ancient cultures the desert symbolized the need for wisdom and perseverance through life’s trials. Shot here in breathtaking shades of blue and orange, this desert print set will surely ground you and bring you inspiration throughout your busy schedule. Just a glimpse of this marvel of nature will remind you of the strength that lies within you. Into the desert! This magnificent 3-piece art set will look best as an accent to any contemporary and modern décor scheme, especially office spaces. Essentials about this piece: • Expertly made using state of the art printing onto acrylic. • Unframed, ready to hang. • Color scheme: Blue and orange. • Dimensions: 3-piece set, each 47” W x 31.5” H. Learn More

Desert Rocks Wall Print Set

In ancient cultures, the desert was often used as a symbol for obstacles and hardships that can stand between people and their dreams. Rocks found in the middle of the dessert usually meant shelter and protection from these hardships. That is why today though rough, rocks immediately remind us of stability, firmness and faithfulness. Photographed here under a golden shower of sunlight, these desert rocks are sure to inspire you to be strong and resilient. This 3-panel print set will look best in warm and zen spaces, such as conference rooms, studios and family rooms. Essentials about this piece: • Expertly made using state of the art printing onto acrylic. • Unframed, ready to hang. • Color scheme: Orange. • Dimensions: 3-piece set, each 27.5” H x 27.5” W. Learn More
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