(347) 379-4018

Test Configurable Product

Test Configurable Product

1 to 3 weeks
Choose your exact delivery date at checkout.
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Shipping & Delivery

We offer 2 options for delivery. Pricing available upon checkout:


Our standard delivery includes full assembly (when required), placement in the room of your choice and removal of all packing materials and boxes. You must be home for delivery on the date of your choosing-we will call to schedule a 3 hour delivery window.


You provide us with your preferred delivery date (generally the first day of your lease for new rentals). A manager will arrive at your building, wait for the delivery team and oversee the delivery, insuring that everything is assembled and positioned correctly. Our cleaning staff will clean the inside and outside of the furniture, iron the sheets, make the bed, vacuum and mop, our VIP specialists will leave behind flowers, gifts and little surprises to make sure everything is perfect when you move in.

Test Configurable Product

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Test Configurable Product

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