(347) 379-4018





7 Day NYC Delivery
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Quick Overview

Straight lines were once deemed the realm of strict logic. This conduit design accomplishes something quite profound. It blends linear components with a stylish gold-colored stainless steel tubular effect. Modernism used to be about extremes. Wild shapes and patterns that don’t dare resemble its predecessors. We’ve reached an age of maturity of sorts. We appreciate style, but all the more, we respect those designs that represent a blending of cultures. The Gridiron tubular stainless steel console table is famous not for its radical shape, but for the strategic transcendence that it provides. Gridiron is perfect for reception rooms, living and lounge areas, and any other place in need of transformation. Comes fully assembled.
Details + Dimensions

Additional Information

Description No
Short Description Straight lines were once deemed the realm of strict logic. This conduit design accomplishes something quite profound. It blends linear components with a stylish gold-colored stainless steel tubular effect. Modernism used to be about extremes. Wild shapes and patterns that don’t dare resemble its predecessors. We’ve reached an age of maturity of sorts. We appreciate style, but all the more, we respect those designs that represent a blending of cultures. The Gridiron tubular stainless steel console table is famous not for its radical shape, but for the strategic transcendence that it provides. Gridiron is perfect for reception rooms, living and lounge areas, and any other place in need of transformation. Comes fully assembled.
Included Products No
Orientation No
Product Dimensions Overall Product Dimensions 46.5"L x 15"W x 29"H
Assembly Required
New York Delivery 7 Day NYC Delivery
Bed size No
Color Gold
Shipping & Delivery

We offer 2 options for delivery. Pricing available upon checkout:


Our standard delivery includes full assembly (when required), placement in the room of your choice and removal of all packing materials and boxes. You must be home for delivery on the date of your choosing-we will call to schedule a 3 hour delivery window.


You provide us with your preferred delivery date (generally the first day of your lease for new rentals). A manager will arrive at your building, wait for the delivery team and oversee the delivery, insuring that everything is assembled and positioned correctly. Our cleaning staff will clean the inside and outside of the furniture, iron the sheets, make the bed, vacuum and mop, our VIP specialists will leave behind flowers, gifts and little surprises to make sure everything is perfect when you move in.


    “Fantastic! The Lumen team made our move-in process smooth and worry free. We didnt have to do a thing, except meet for measurments and selection of furniture. It is so refreshing to show up on moving day and everything is already in it’s place warm, inviting and beautiful ”
    TRUDY N.
    “Lumen team is the best! It was fantastic to arrive at my new home at 1:30pm on a Tuesday to discover that the place looked like home. Besides doing a great job selecting and arranging the furniture, it was all the ittle touches that made the experience exceptional.”
    John H.
    “I walked into my apartment today and was blown by how wonderful it looks. The surprises scattered around the apartment were lovely and the flowers are a nice touch. Thank you so much to the Lumen team for the great service your provided”
    Isabella S.
    “Fantastic! The Lumen team made our move-in process smooth and worry free. We didnt have to do a thing, except meet for measurments and selection of furniture. It is so refreshing to show up on moving day and everything is already in it’s place warm, inviting and beautiful ”
    TRUDY N.

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